General information
- name: BNet
- type: Ladder team game (AT/RT)
- host:
- saver: timg4strok
map: Highperch
- players: 6
- length: 223:04
- speed: Fast
- version: 1.20 W3XP
- replay type:

» download(1001 KB)
team 1 (loser)
BRRJ_Lapso. (
purple | 80 APM | 17841 actions | 223:02)
6 Death Knight
3 Death Coil
3 Unholy Aura
5 Lich
3 Frost Nova
2 Dark Ritual
5 Crypt Lord
3 Impale
2 Spiked Carapace
3 Tauren Chieftain
1 Endurance Aura
1 Shockwave
1 Reincarnation
1 Far Seer
1 Far Sight
1 Priestess of the Moon
1 Trueshot Aura
1 Warden
1 Blink
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 133 | |
Basic commands | 45 | |
Build / train | 103 | |
ESC pressed | 2 | |
Enter build submenu | 31 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 25 | |
Give item / drop item | 53 | |
Right click | 7743 | |
Select / deselect | 3156 | |
Select group hotkey | 5752 | |
Use ability | 798 | |
17841 total
» units
Acolyte | 14 | |
Ghoul | 3 | |
Crypt Fiend | 10 | |
Meatwagon | 5 | |
Obsidian Statue | 4 | |
Frost Wyrm | 8 | |
Hippogryph | 2 | |
46 total
» upgrades
Creature Attack | 3 | |
Web | 1 | |
Destroyer Form | 1 | |
Freezing Breath | 1 | |
Creature Carapace | 3 | |
Burrow | 1 | |
10 total
» buildings
Crypt | 1 | |
Ziggurat | 14 | |
Graveyard | 1 | |
Altar of Darkness | 1 | |
Tomb of Relics | 1 | |
Halls of the Dead | 1 | |
Nerubian Tower | 1 | |
Slaughterhouse | 2 | |
Black Citadel | 1 | |
Sacrificial Pit | 1 | |
Boneyard | 3 | |
Spirit Tower | 3 | |
Necropolis | 1 | |
Altar of Elders | 1 | |
Tree of Eternity | 1 | |
33 total
» build order
00:06 Crypt
00:12 Ziggurat
00:38 Graveyard
00:57 Altar of Darkness
01:26 Ziggurat
01:45 Tomb of Relics
03:58 Halls of the Dead
04:00 Ziggurat
04:19 Nerubian Tower
06:27 Slaughterhouse
06:28 Slaughterhouse
07:19 Ziggurat
08:37 Ziggurat
10:28 Black Citadel
11:59 Ziggurat
12:00 Ziggurat
14:00 Sacrificial Pit
14:55 Boneyard
22:35 Ziggurat
22:37 Ziggurat
23:58 Spirit Tower
23:59 Spirit Tower
24:39 Necropolis
27:25 Ziggurat
27:27 Boneyard
29:19 Boneyard
29:20 Ziggurat
31:05 Spirit Tower
44:09 Ziggurat
44:12 Ziggurat
45:24 Ziggurat
167:46 Altar of Elders
169:07 Tree of Eternity
» items
Rod of Necromancy | 1 | |
Dust of Appearance | 3 | |
Orb of Corruption | 1 | |
Scroll of Town Portal | 2 | |
Potion of Healing | 1 | |
Boots of Speed | 3 | |
Periapt of Vitality | 1 | |
Staff of Teleportation | 1 | |
13 total
BRRJ_Rival (
orange | 96 APM | 7623 actions | 79:23)
5 Far Seer
1 Feral Spirit
3 Chain Lighting
1 Far Sight
3 Tauren Chieftain
1 Endurance Aura
2 Shockwave
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 113 | |
Basic commands | 158 | |
Build / train | 164 | |
ESC pressed | 12 | |
Enter build submenu | 25 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 7 | |
Give item / drop item | 4 | |
Right click | 3020 | |
Select / deselect | 973 | |
Select group hotkey | 2673 | |
Use ability | 474 | |
7623 total
» units
Peon | 19 | |
Grunt | 11 | |
Demolisher | 10 | |
Troll Witch Doctor | 13 | |
Tauren | 2 | |
Troll Batrider | 61 | |
116 total
» upgrades
Burning Oil | 1 | |
Witch Doctor Training | 2 | |
Pulverize | 1 | |
Ranged Weapons | 1 | |
Liquid Fire | 1 | |
6 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms | 1 | |
Orc Burrow | 9 | |
Barracks | 1 | |
Stronghold | 6 | |
Voodoo Lounge | 1 | |
War Mill | 2 | |
Fortress | 6 | |
Spirit Lodge | 1 | |
Tauren Totem | 1 | |
Great Hall | 4 | |
Beastiary | 3 | |
35 total
» build order
00:08 Altar of Storms
00:19 Orc Burrow
00:34 Barracks
01:32 Orc Burrow
02:36 Stronghold
02:36 Stronghold
02:37 Stronghold
02:37 Stronghold
03:47 Orc Burrow
03:57 Voodoo Lounge
04:29 War Mill
05:07 Fortress
05:07 Fortress
05:07 Fortress
05:08 Fortress
06:17 Spirit Lodge
07:34 Tauren Totem
08:03 Great Hall
08:28 Orc Burrow
10:07 Orc Burrow
10:10 War Mill
14:38 Beastiary
14:40 Beastiary
15:22 Orc Burrow
15:24 Orc Burrow
18:59 Beastiary
19:01 Orc Burrow
19:03 Orc Burrow
23:19 Great Hall
30:40 Great Hall
35:41 Great Hall
» items
Healing Salve | 2 | |
Lesser Clarity Potion | 1 | |
Scroll of Speed | 1 | |
Circlet of Nobility | 2 | |
Boots of Speed | 1 | |
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability | 3 | |
Tome of Retraining | 1 | |
11 total
BRRJ_Tarker (
green | 48 APM | 3440 actions | 71:08)
4 Priestess of the Moon
2 Trueshot Aura
1 Searing Arrows
1 Scout
2 Naga Sea Witch
1 Frost Arrows
1 Forked Lightning
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 88 | |
Basic commands | 17 | |
Build / train | 68 | |
Enter build submenu | 30 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 6 | |
Give item / drop item | 3 | |
Remove unit from queue | 1 | |
Right click | 2154 | |
Select / deselect | 556 | |
Select group hotkey | 409 | |
Use ability | 108 | |
3440 total
» units
Wisp | 31 | |
Huntress | 5 | |
Chimaera | 5 | |
Hippogryph | 6 | |
47 total
» upgrades
Strength of the Wild | 2 | |
Reinforced Hides | 1 | |
Corrosive Breath | 1 | |
4 total
» buildings
Altar of Elders | 1 | |
Moon Well | 8 | |
Hunter's Hall | 1 | |
Ancient of War | 3 | |
Tree of Ages | 2 | |
Ancient of Wind | 3 | |
Tree of Eternity | 1 | |
Tree of Life | 2 | |
Chimaera Roost | 3 | |
Ancient Protector | 1 | |
25 total
» build order
00:06 Altar of Elders
00:18 Moon Well
01:59 Hunter's Hall
02:02 Ancient of War
02:11 Moon Well
02:36 Ancient of War
04:32 Moon Well
05:53 Tree of Ages
05:54 Moon Well
08:22 Ancient of Wind
09:21 Tree of Eternity
10:55 Ancient of War
10:57 Tree of Life
11:03 Moon Well
11:03 Moon Well
12:31 Chimaera Roost
13:21 Chimaera Roost
15:17 Chimaera Roost
15:18 Moon Well
15:20 Moon Well
19:56 Tree of Life
20:05 Ancient Protector
22:56 Tree of Ages
25:18 Ancient of Wind
25:20 Ancient of Wind
» items
Staff of Teleportation | 1 | |
Boots of Speed | 1 | |
2 total
team 2 (winner)
red | 38 APM | 8457 actions | 223:03)
6 Blademaster
3 Wind Walk
2 Critical Strike
1 Bladestorm
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 13 | |
Basic commands | 30 | |
Build / train | 96 | |
ESC pressed | 5 | |
Enter build submenu | 103 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 6 | |
Give item / drop item | 7 | |
Remove unit from queue | 24 | |
Right click | 5526 | |
Select / deselect | 2177 | |
Select group hotkey | 136 | |
Use ability | 331 | |
8457 total
» units
» upgrades
Liquid Fire | 1 | |
Ranged Weapons | 3 | |
Armor | 2 | |
Reinforced Defenses | 1 | |
7 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms | 1 | |
Orc Burrow | 3 | |
War Mill | 1 | |
Watch Tower | 89 | |
Voodoo Lounge | 2 | |
Stronghold | 3 | |
Great Hall | 1 | |
Beastiary | 2 | |
Fortress | 1 | |
103 total
» build order
00:19 Altar of Storms
00:21 Orc Burrow
00:36 War Mill
01:49 Watch Tower
02:04 Watch Tower
02:31 Watch Tower
02:42 Watch Tower
02:57 Orc Burrow
03:18 Watch Tower
03:39 Watch Tower
04:04 Watch Tower
04:13 Watch Tower
04:49 Voodoo Lounge
04:53 Watch Tower
04:56 Watch Tower
05:30 Watch Tower
05:36 Stronghold
05:36 Stronghold
05:36 Stronghold
05:47 Watch Tower
06:10 Watch Tower
06:28 Voodoo Lounge
06:55 Great Hall
07:11 Watch Tower
07:28 Watch Tower
07:49 Watch Tower
08:15 Watch Tower
08:51 Beastiary
08:53 Beastiary
09:20 Watch Tower
09:22 Watch Tower
09:24 Fortress
10:15 Orc Burrow
10:23 Watch Tower
10:50 Watch Tower
13:53 Watch Tower
13:53 Watch Tower
13:54 Watch Tower
13:54 Watch Tower
14:48 Watch Tower
14:51 Watch Tower
14:53 Watch Tower
14:55 Watch Tower
16:02 Watch Tower
16:03 Watch Tower
16:04 Watch Tower
16:06 Watch Tower
20:04 Watch Tower
20:05 Watch Tower
20:06 Watch Tower
20:08 Watch Tower
22:10 Watch Tower
22:29 Watch Tower
22:30 Watch Tower
23:14 Watch Tower
23:15 Watch Tower
24:33 Watch Tower
24:37 Watch Tower
24:38 Watch Tower
24:39 Watch Tower
27:26 Watch Tower
27:50 Watch Tower
27:54 Watch Tower
28:20 Watch Tower
28:22 Watch Tower
28:23 Watch Tower
28:26 Watch Tower
29:04 Watch Tower
29:06 Watch Tower
29:08 Watch Tower
29:10 Watch Tower
29:30 Watch Tower
31:06 Watch Tower
31:09 Watch Tower
31:12 Watch Tower
32:14 Watch Tower
32:20 Watch Tower
32:20 Watch Tower
32:21 Watch Tower
32:23 Watch Tower
32:25 Watch Tower
32:25 Watch Tower
33:04 Watch Tower
33:51 Watch Tower
33:53 Watch Tower
33:55 Watch Tower
34:51 Watch Tower
35:04 Watch Tower
35:05 Watch Tower
35:06 Watch Tower
35:45 Watch Tower
35:47 Watch Tower
35:52 Watch Tower
36:11 Watch Tower
36:19 Watch Tower
36:22 Watch Tower
36:25 Watch Tower
36:56 Watch Tower
37:33 Watch Tower
37:35 Watch Tower
39:15 Watch Tower
39:18 Watch Tower
39:41 Watch Tower
» items
Boots of Speed | 1 | |
Circlet of Nobility | 1 | |
Staff of Teleportation | 1 | |
Lesser Clarity Potion | 6 | |
Healing Salve | 1 | |
Orb of Lightning | 1 | |
Potion of Mana | 1 | |
Scroll of Speed | 1 | |
Scroll of Town Portal | 3 | |
Scroll of Regeneration | 1 | |
Potion of Healing | 1 | |
18 total
TheIrateTurk (
pink | 23 APM | 5046 actions | 223:03)
4 Archmage
1 Summon Water Elemental
2 Blizzard
1 Brilliance Aura
2 Blood Mage
1 Flame Strike
1 Banish
3 Pit Lord
2 Rain of Fire
1 Cleaving Attack
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 51 | |
Basic commands | 111 | |
Build / train | 146 | |
ESC pressed | 6 | |
Enter build submenu | 67 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 9 | |
Give item / drop item | 14 | |
Right click | 2389 | |
Select / deselect | 1647 | |
Select group hotkey | 291 | |
Use ability | 315 | |
5046 total
» units
Peasant | 21 | |
Dragonhawk Rider | 22 | |
43 total
» upgrades
Masonry | 3 | |
Lumber Harvesting | 2 | |
Magic Sentry | 1 | |
Animal War Training | 1 | |
7 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings | 1 | |
Farm | 10 | |
Lumber Mill | 3 | |
Scout Tower | 40 | |
Guard Tower | 28 | |
Keep | 2 | |
Arcane Vault | 4 | |
Blacksmith | 1 | |
Arcane Sanctum | 1 | |
Gryphon Aviary | 1 | |
Workshop | 1 | |
Castle | 1 | |
Town Hall | 2 | |
Barracks | 1 | |
Arcane Tower | 3 | |
99 total
» build order
00:07 Altar of Kings
00:19 Farm
00:21 Farm
00:36 Lumber Mill
01:03 Scout Tower
01:46 Scout Tower
01:51 Scout Tower
01:59 Scout Tower
02:18 Guard Tower
02:32 Guard Tower
02:40 Scout Tower
02:49 Scout Tower
02:54 Scout Tower
03:17 Guard Tower
03:24 Guard Tower
03:26 Scout Tower
03:28 Scout Tower
03:43 Farm
03:45 Farm
03:56 Guard Tower
04:16 Scout Tower
04:33 Scout Tower
05:17 Scout Tower
05:19 Scout Tower
05:27 Guard Tower
05:29 Guard Tower
05:51 Scout Tower
05:55 Scout Tower
06:13 Guard Tower
06:14 Guard Tower
06:19 Keep
06:19 Keep
06:40 Scout Tower
06:43 Guard Tower
06:47 Scout Tower
06:58 Arcane Vault
07:17 Scout Tower
07:20 Guard Tower
07:24 Arcane Vault
07:26 Arcane Vault
07:44 Guard Tower
07:46 Scout Tower
07:49 Scout Tower
08:25 Arcane Vault
08:32 Farm
08:36 Blacksmith
09:16 Scout Tower
09:18 Scout Tower
09:23 Guard Tower
09:40 Arcane Sanctum
09:50 Gryphon Aviary
09:57 Workshop
10:11 Castle
10:20 Guard Tower
10:37 Town Hall
10:51 Town Hall
11:05 Guard Tower
14:23 Guard Tower
14:50 Farm
14:51 Farm
15:06 Scout Tower
15:07 Scout Tower
16:08 Guard Tower
16:09 Scout Tower
16:12 Scout Tower
16:13 Scout Tower
16:55 Guard Tower
17:11 Guard Tower
18:33 Guard Tower
19:11 Scout Tower
19:43 Guard Tower
19:54 Scout Tower
19:56 Scout Tower
20:15 Farm
20:23 Scout Tower
20:25 Scout Tower
20:28 Guard Tower
20:45 Lumber Mill
20:53 Lumber Mill
20:57 Guard Tower
21:22 Guard Tower
21:27 Guard Tower
23:23 Barracks
24:35 Farm
24:37 Farm
29:32 Scout Tower
30:32 Scout Tower
30:34 Scout Tower
32:09 Guard Tower
32:10 Scout Tower
32:13 Scout Tower
32:20 Scout Tower
32:22 Scout Tower
33:28 Scout Tower
33:30 Guard Tower
34:46 Guard Tower
44:05 Arcane Tower
45:43 Arcane Tower
48:07 Arcane Tower
» items
Ivory Tower | 36 | |
Potion of Mana | 1 | |
Potion of Healing | 1 | |
Tome of Retraining | 1 | |
Orb of Lightning | 3 | |
Staff of Sanctuary | 3 | |
Scroll of Regeneration | 1 | |
46 total
timg4strok (
teal | 61 APM | 13592 actions | 223:03)
8 Demon Hunter
3 Mana Burn
3 Evasion
1 Metamorphosis
1 Immolation
4 Warden
2 Shadow Strike
2 Blink
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 44 | |
Basic commands | 84 | |
Build / train | 96 | |
ESC pressed | 5 | |
Enter build submenu | 23 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 12 | |
Give item / drop item | 19 | |
Right click | 8336 | |
Select / deselect | 891 | |
Select group hotkey | 3657 | |
Use ability | 425 | |
13592 total
» units
Wisp | 15 | |
Archer | 23 | |
Hippogryph | 19 | |
57 total
» upgrades
Improved Bows | 1 | |
Hippogryph Taming | 1 | |
Ultravision | 1 | |
Strength of the Moon | 3 | |
Moon Armor | 3 | |
Well Spring | 1 | |
Marksmanship | 1 | |
Strength of the Wild | 1 | |
Reinforced Hides | 1 | |
13 total
» buildings
Altar of Elders | 1 | |
Moon Well | 10 | |
Ancient of War | 3 | |
Ancient of Wonders | 2 | |
Tree of Ages | 1 | |
Ancient of Wind | 1 | |
Hunter's Hall | 1 | |
Tree of Eternity | 1 | |
20 total
» build order
00:45 Altar of Elders
00:47 Moon Well
00:56 Ancient of War
01:02 Ancient of War
01:31 Ancient of War
02:23 Moon Well
02:24 Moon Well
02:38 Ancient of Wonders
02:46 Ancient of Wonders
05:28 Moon Well
05:30 Moon Well
05:37 Tree of Ages
05:54 Moon Well
07:37 Moon Well
07:39 Moon Well
08:18 Ancient of Wind
08:41 Hunter's Hall
10:09 Moon Well
12:28 Tree of Eternity
16:33 Moon Well
» items
Boots of Speed | 2 | |
Staff of Teleportation | 2 | |
Dust of Appearance | 1 | |
Orb of Venom | 2 | |
Staff of Preservation | 1 | |
Potion of Healing | 1 | |
Tiny Great Hall | 1 | |
10 total
Chat log
(02:07 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: k
(02:35 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: k
(04:07 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: lol
(07:11 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: yes
(08:07 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: np
(08:10 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: YOU NEED THE MANA
(08:13 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: rolleyes
(10:04 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: ;lumber p[ls
(10:14 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: thx
(10:17 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: thx
(32:34 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: why you bilding there
(32:43 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: yea
(32:50 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: lol
(33:06 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: red
(33:09 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: how did u get ur peon
(33:13 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: into the fountain
(33:25 / All) BRRJ_Tarker: nice....
(33:25 / All) BRRJ_Rival: nerd
(33:33 / All) BRRJ_Rival: nerd lool
(34:50 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: my mine gone
(34:54 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: i have 946 gold
(38:14 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: bah
(42:32 / Allies) timg4strok: n m l
(43:26 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: ?
(43:30 / Allies) timg4strok: make arcane tower
(43:40 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: place it
(43:42 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: where you want it
(43:42 / Allies) timg4strok: when it has arcane sentry it has reveal (far sight)
(43:44 / Allies) timg4strok: i cant place it
(43:47 / Allies) timg4strok: just put it down
(43:49 / Allies) timg4strok: so its protected
(45:17 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: i can make it in my base
(48:36 / All) timg4strok: u cant win . . .
(48:43 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: u cant win =)
(48:45 / All) BRRJ_Tarker: netheir can u...
(48:58 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: me 2
(49:06 / All) timg4strok: so whats it gonna be
(49:10 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: yah
(51:36 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: thx
(51:46 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: yah
(51:49 / All) BRRJ_Tarker: congrats
(52:54 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: ok
(52:56 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: ill keep baiting them
(53:59 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: he placed a stasis trap
(54:02 / Allies) timg4strok: a?
(54:04 / Allies) timg4strok: 3
(54:47 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: shall i make more towers
(54:50 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: i can make liek 3 more
(54:55 / Allies) timg4strok: no
(54:56 / Allies) timg4strok: save gold
(54:59 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: i have 201 gold
(55:03 / Allies) timg4strok: save it
(55:04 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: i have 122
(55:05 / Allies) timg4strok: sell your towers
(55:16 / Allies) timg4strok: sell the ivory towers we need all the gold
(55:17 / Allies) timg4strok: we cqna get
(55:26 / Allies) timg4strok: sell every unneccesary item
(55:32 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: done and done
(55:41 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: i didnt know they had reveal all over the map
(55:49 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: or i would ahve built it much further behind
(55:57 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: watch out
(56:10 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: FUCK I TPED
(57:01 / All) TheIrateTurk: this is like a mexican stand off
(58:33 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: anything over tehre
(59:27 / Allies) timg4strok: do you need bos
(59:30 / Allies) timg4strok: you have windwalk
(59:35 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: and boots
(59:36 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: kill all your workers
(59:43 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: or most of them
(59:45 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: dnot want to give exp
(60:02 / Allies) timg4strok: if they get past our towers
(60:06 / Allies) timg4strok: they will all be level 10
(60:07 / Allies) timg4strok: doesnt matter
(60:12 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: i know but they can fly shit around
(60:13 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: the back
(60:17 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: picking off individual guys
(60:21 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: and so forth
(60:54 / Allies) timg4strok: they wasting gold on reveal lmao
(61:16 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: are they using money on reveal?
(61:20 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: i didnt think those shops revealed
(61:34 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: they retrained farseer
(62:00 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: if the ud had any brains
(62:02 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: hed sell all
(62:09 / Allies) timg4strok: yeah thats why im picking his shit off
(62:12 / Allies) timg4strok: so when he decides to sell
(62:15 / Allies) timg4strok: he has nothing
(62:24 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: i dont have cloud
(62:26 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: or id help
(62:33 / Allies) timg4strok: every point of damage on his buildings is less gold for him
(62:39 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: wow
(62:44 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: you've really thought this thrue
(62:45 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: through!
(62:49 / Allies) timg4strok: well not every point but....u no LOL
(62:55 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: LOl
(62:56 / All) BRRJ_Tarker: one fight in the midle to finish?
(63:00 / All) TheIrateTurk: ok
(63:02 / Allies) timg4strok: like 25 hp = 1 gold ~~
(63:03 / All) TheIrateTurk: middle of our towers
(63:05 / All) TheIrateTurk: and you have a deal
(63:13 / All) BRRJ_Tarker: ha-ha-ha
(63:23 / All) timg4strok: lmao guy thinks we arent serious about staying here
(63:25 / All) TheIrateTurk: it's ok i have 5 comps with wc on them
(63:32 / All) TheIrateTurk: playing 2 other games
(63:33 / All) NOMORELEFT: I HAVE 6!
(63:34 / All) timg4strok: i live for 8 hour games dawg
(63:35 / All) TheIrateTurk: just like this one
(63:37 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: good for u
(63:39 / All) BRRJ_Tarker: and i am a giant turtle
(63:40 / All) timg4strok: just wait until its 3am
(63:42 / All) timg4strok: you will fuck up
(63:49 / All) timg4strok: you will let a wyrm go over a tower
(63:55 / All) timg4strok: then 2 wyrms
(63:55 / All) TheIrateTurk: this is why we're rank 3 in 3 v 3
(64:01 / All) timg4strok: then go afk for a few minutes
(64:02 / All) TheIrateTurk: we commit to our game
(64:03 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: we will see that
(64:10 / All) timg4strok: thinking im asleep because i havent done anything for 4 hours
(64:16 / All) timg4strok: but i'll be watching the entire time
(64:18 / All) BRRJ_Tarker: and i belive pigs can fly
(64:24 / All) timg4strok: as soon as you slip up ill be there to take advantage
(64:32 / All) timg4strok: but its ok you guys still have a chance
(64:45 / All) BRRJ_Tarker: they the airplane is flying...
(64:48 / All) BRRJ_Tarker: not the pig
(64:49 / Allies) timg4strok: what
(64:54 / Allies) timg4strok: they the airplane is flying
(65:02 / All) timg4strok: me too
(65:05 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: they are all brazilian
(65:09 / Allies) timg4strok: hua hua
(65:10 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: so lets keep having
(65:18 / All) timg4strok: thats the plan XD
(65:28 / Allies) timg4strok: the nelf went afk
(65:38 / Allies) timg4strok: orc is controlling nelf hero
(65:48 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: is one of them dea
(65:49 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: dead
(65:56 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: naga is dead
(66:02 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: racism
(66:12 / Allies) timg4strok: fuk i dismounted
(66:27 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: so mount?
(66:33 / Allies) timg4strok: 30s cooldown
(67:10 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: orb of frost needs to proc more
(68:17 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i will watch tv ^^
(68:23 / All) timg4strok: have fun
(68:27 / All) TheIrateTurk: mike teevee
(68:27 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: thx
(68:33 / All) timg4strok: what time is it in brasil
(68:41 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: 4 pm
(68:45 / All) timg4strok: o
(68:46 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: need to kill their wds
(68:51 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: first and foremost
(68:54 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: stats too
(68:58 / Allies) timg4strok: fiends
(69:03 / Allies) timg4strok: if we can get the ud heroes
(69:03 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: bull shit
(69:04 / Allies) timg4strok: kidaf'ksdnf
(69:04 / Allies) timg4strok: gk;ns
(69:06 / Allies) timg4strok: d
(69:07 / Allies) timg4strok: face
(69:11 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: u liked my tv
(69:12 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: how much gold you need
(69:15 / Allies) timg4strok: how much do you need to revive hero
(69:19 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: 300
(69:19 / Allies) timg4strok: sell orbs on bloodm archm
(69:32 / Allies) timg4strok: or an orb and staff
(69:39 / Allies) timg4strok: stop
(69:42 / Allies) timg4strok: you dont need 3 staves
(69:42 / Allies) timg4strok: w/e
(69:45 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: u have gold for bm?
(69:46 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: ^^
(69:50 / All) timg4strok: sitting on 5k'
(69:56 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: good
(70:00 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: we have 5 k 2
(70:09 / All) timg4strok: so buy some wyrms and take top?
(70:12 / All) timg4strok: the mountain
(70:14 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: no food
(70:15 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: who will win first
(70:15 / All) timg4strok: do that and win
(70:18 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: Oo
(70:33 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i witch i could
(70:54 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: then unshare
(70:57 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: so we cant move wisps
(71:11 / All) TheIrateTurk: lol
(71:29 / All) TheIrateTurk: in brasil i hope they use dialup
(71:41 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: cable
(71:42 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: =)
(71:59 / All) TheIrateTurk: THE CIRCLE IS COMPLETE
(73:22 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: flee
(73:44 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: share
(75:05 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: r
(75:06 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: i
(75:09 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: ght
(75:17 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: goddammit
(75:23 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: me
(76:02 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: do you get exp for killing them
(76:39 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: right wins both?
(76:48 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: gold pls
(76:58 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: sell gauntlets
(77:00 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: etc
(77:07 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: ok fagal
(77:57 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: probably
(78:08 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: nvrmind
(79:26 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: lol
(79:27 / All) timg4strok: gg
(79:29 / All) TheIrateTurk: gg
(79:31 / All) timg4strok: gg
(79:32 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: finish me
(79:33 / All) timg4strok: gg
(79:34 / All) timg4strok: gg
(79:35 / All) timg4strok: gg
(79:36 / All) timg4strok: gg
(79:37 / All) timg4strok: gg
(79:56 / All) timg4strok: looks like u friend leavin
(80:14 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: jew
(80:51 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: unless he is showtime.wera
(80:59 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: lol
(81:06 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: who was that brasilian player that owned
(81:08 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: fuck
(81:15 / Allies) timg4strok: gogogo
(81:16 / Allies) timg4strok: googog
(81:16 / Allies) timg4strok: gogogo
(81:17 / Allies) timg4strok: gogogo
(81:26 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: peons
(82:23 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: wtf
(82:24 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: nigger
(82:27 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: wont gold up the turk
(82:30 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: but he golds up the hurk
(82:34 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: wheres ur 5 k gold
(82:37 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: brillians aura
(82:41 / All) TheIrateTurk: in the bank
(82:48 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: good news
(82:52 / All) TheIrateTurk: earning 12%
(83:29 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: look there
(84:06 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: what's transmute
(84:17 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: lol
(84:19 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: cooldown?
(84:29 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: any unit?
(84:34 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: tier 3 air
(84:35 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: keke?
(84:38 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: lol
(85:35 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: how is it gonna be guys
(85:40 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i´m very patient =D
(85:52 / All) TheIrateTurk: that's an interesting apostrophe
(85:53 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: turk, sell one of your staffs
(86:05 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: staves
(86:06 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: actually
(86:08 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: w/e
(86:20 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: i want the change you nigger
(87:13 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: dismount another archer by oranges base or somewhere
(87:28 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: he's shockwaving the base
(88:15 / All) TheIrateTurk: gg
(88:22 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: bat died
(88:23 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: got 1 bat
(88:25 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: u leaving?
(88:42 / All) TheIrateTurk: abcdefghijklmnopqrst vwxyz?
(88:47 / Allies) timg4strok: t v
(91:07 / All) TheIrateTurk: you should be able to shackle ground units
(91:13 / All) TheIrateTurk: then id make more of the dhs
(91:45 / Allies) timg4strok: face kill hiz base
(92:40 / Allies) timg4strok: can you keep his ud army busy
(92:40 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i´m gonna win leave
(92:45 / Allies) timg4strok: or at least keep tabs on them
(92:53 / Allies) timg4strok: so i can hippo his base
(93:31 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: watch out
(93:34 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: how much money you need
(93:42 / Allies) timg4strok: 295 got 103
(93:51 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: i can get you 125 more
(93:55 / Allies) timg4strok: ok i need 87
(94:01 / Allies) timg4strok: fuck im in upkeep
(94:02 / Allies) timg4strok: stop
(94:02 / Allies) timg4strok: stop
(94:05 / Allies) timg4strok: let me sell
(94:07 / Allies) timg4strok: send
(94:10 / Allies) timg4strok: hope it doesnt fuck up
(94:20 / Allies) timg4strok: 296
(94:21 / Allies) timg4strok: whew
(94:32 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: lol
(94:38 / Allies) timg4strok: where is ud army
(94:42 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: mid
(94:42 / Allies) timg4strok: can you watch them from afar
(94:43 / Allies) timg4strok: face
(94:44 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: i think
(94:48 / Allies) timg4strok: just follow them
(94:54 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: kill the towers
(95:03 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: his tc needs to die
(95:13 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: share
(95:14 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: ffs
(95:18 / Allies) timg4strok: face just ww and watxch the ud army
(95:24 / Allies) timg4strok: from far away
(95:25 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: cant
(95:27 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: they have wards
(95:27 / Allies) timg4strok: just get in vision of them
(95:34 / Allies) timg4strok: so i cna know where t hey are
(95:35 / Allies) timg4strok: please
(95:40 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: they there
(96:00 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: run
(97:57 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: watch fiendsa are still at purp
(98:01 / Allies) timg4strok: go u there and kill his fiend
(98:02 / Allies) timg4strok: up
(98:04 / Allies) timg4strok: go up there
(98:07 / Allies) timg4strok: ill reveal
(98:10 / Allies) timg4strok: kill the burrowed fiends
(98:21 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: tc
(98:22 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: is around
(98:26 / Allies) timg4strok: i got tc
(98:27 / Allies) timg4strok: dont wory
(98:30 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: ss him
(98:33 / Allies) timg4strok: turk
(98:35 / Allies) timg4strok: your heroes do nothing
(98:39 / Allies) timg4strok: but get in the way
(99:01 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: ill banish first
(99:02 / Allies) timg4strok: go
(99:02 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: one second
(99:05 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: no
(99:06 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: \
(99:08 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: ugh
(99:11 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: need bladestorm
(99:22 / Allies) timg4strok: bladestorm gonna take too long you gotta pick them off
(99:54 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: ill banish
(99:55 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: you ss
(99:56 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: next time
(99:58 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: should fuck him
(100:00 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: royally
(100:25 / Allies) timg4strok: i like how when im the only person home the phone doesnt stop fucking ringing
(100:42 / Allies) timg4strok: i bet its my parents trying to tell me something retarded ugh
(101:04 / Allies) timg4strok: please die
(101:05 / Allies) timg4strok: thanks
(101:07 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: such crap
(101:11 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: i pressed back
(101:13 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: 80 times
(101:15 / Allies) timg4strok: banish is stupid
(101:23 / Allies) timg4strok: it doesnt do the initial ss damage
(101:30 / Allies) timg4strok: turk
(101:33 / Allies) timg4strok: move your hero
(101:38 / Allies) timg4strok: he is big and blocks my heroes
(101:40 / Allies) timg4strok: and does nothing
(101:45 / Allies) timg4strok: but feed them experience
(102:18 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: wow i feel like the overweight kid at school
(102:21 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: :(
(102:30 / Allies) timg4strok: sry im pissed off
(102:35 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: lol dont worry mang
(102:37 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: i luv u
(102:43 / Allies) timg4strok: my family is so fucking retarded ugh
(103:15 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: he has a pot of invuln
(103:40 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: turk, with your riders, go fly to oranges base and kill stuff
(103:47 / Allies) timg4strok: where his fiends
(103:51 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: he has 1 burrow and no peons
(104:06 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: how is it gonna be ^^
(104:08 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: leave i win
(104:10 / All) timg4strok: n
(104:12 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: nothing u can do about it
(104:13 / All) timg4strok: take your win
(104:17 / All) timg4strok: have fun on the mountain
(104:20 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i will
(104:22 / Allies) timg4strok: dont let any hawk die
(104:28 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: not a problem later
(104:38 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: im keeping two
(104:40 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: by fountain
(104:42 / Allies) timg4strok: keep all
(104:43 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: for the final attack
(104:51 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: naa
(104:54 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: dontwant to lose all 4
(105:04 / Allies) timg4strok: no keep all 4 qt fountain
(105:17 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: so you dont want me to kill orange?
(105:26 / Allies) timg4strok: idkkkkkk
(105:28 / Allies) timg4strok: if you think you can
(105:32 / Allies) timg4strok: we just need to watch his fiend
(105:52 / Allies) timg4strok: careful
(105:55 / Allies) timg4strok: ud army unaccounted for
(106:57 / Allies) timg4strok: he tping
(106:58 / Allies) timg4strok: out
(107:02 / Allies) timg4strok: just dk
(107:03 / Allies) timg4strok: just
(107:03 / Allies) timg4strok: dk
(107:10 / Allies) timg4strok: kill dk
(107:12 / Allies) timg4strok: im sending hippo
(107:15 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: hey i have an idea
(107:17 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: listen
(107:21 / Allies) timg4strok: one second
(107:22 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: if i get all his er...
(107:27 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: tier 3 air
(107:28 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: watch out
(107:30 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: he sent bats
(107:38 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: if i get his wyrms
(107:40 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: with my dhs
(107:48 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: can we not fuck him
(107:50 / Allies) timg4strok: they wuill sui bat before
(107:52 / Allies) timg4strok: you can kill
(108:02 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: what about your hyppos
(108:04 / Allies) timg4strok: unless you can take out bat/fiend
(108:06 / Allies) timg4strok: no
(108:12 / Allies) timg4strok: we worry about this at the mountain
(108:19 / Allies) timg4strok: mountain gets rid of his entire ground army
(108:23 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: ok
(108:26 / Allies) timg4strok: only bats wyrms 2 destro 1 hippo coming to mountain
(108:27 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: true
(108:40 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: next time
(108:41 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: ss the
(108:42 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: er
(108:42 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: wd
(108:45 / Allies) timg4strok: i was trying
(108:47 / Allies) timg4strok: got some lag
(108:50 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: np
(109:22 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: he tping
(109:29 / Allies) timg4strok: klill dk
(109:30 / Allies) timg4strok: kill dk
(109:33 / Allies) timg4strok: im sending hippo
(109:38 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: he's tped
(109:46 / Allies) timg4strok: can you find his bats
(109:49 / Allies) timg4strok: and pick them off face
(109:56 / Allies) timg4strok: they arent with his army
(111:25 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: wd
(111:30 / Allies) timg4strok: get dhawk out
(111:31 / Allies) timg4strok: get
(111:31 / Allies) timg4strok: out
(111:57 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: how
(112:02 / Allies) timg4strok: i told you get out
(112:06 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: sorry
(112:10 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: no reveal
(112:10 / Allies) timg4strok: doesnt it make sense
(112:15 / Allies) timg4strok: to fucking fight on the mountain
(112:18 / Allies) timg4strok: and save your units for there
(112:20 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: yes
(112:25 / Allies) timg4strok: so there arent any heroes or fiends to kill them
(112:35 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: well, i'm going to afk for a while
(112:50 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: u leaving?
(115:02 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: shall i kill my towers?
(115:06 / Allies) timg4strok: no
(115:13 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: get the wd
(115:16 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: if you can
(115:18 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: sorry im playing badly
(115:20 / Allies) timg4strok: micro your towers
(115:22 / Allies) timg4strok: kill the bats
(115:26 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: ok
(115:32 / Allies) timg4strok: bats will die fastest
(115:36 / Allies) timg4strok: if you can get a wyrm
(115:42 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: fuck the wyrm
(115:42 / Allies) timg4strok: kill it but only if you are 100% sure
(115:43 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: he can heal
(115:45 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: and bring them back
(115:48 / Allies) timg4strok: dont get it to red then let it get away
(115:52 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: he has lvl 6
(115:54 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: yeah ok
(115:56 / Allies) timg4strok: the bats will die too fast for him to micro
(116:02 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: spread your hyps out
(116:06 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: so bats do negligable dmg
(116:07 / Allies) timg4strok: hippos staying on mountai
(116:11 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: no i mean
(116:13 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: there
(116:28 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: alt qq plz
(116:31 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: ]_
(116:33 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: =)
(117:01 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: where to
(117:41 / Allies) timg4strok: having my ancients kill everything
(117:57 / Allies) timg4strok: go kill ud base
(118:33 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: fire
(119:04 / Allies) timg4strok: get ready
(119:09 / Allies) timg4strok: face micro towers
(119:11 / Allies) timg4strok: kill bats
(119:22 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: i am killing the bats
(119:25 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: i am not a total scrub
(120:26 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: gg give up
(120:27 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: leave
(120:29 / All) timg4strok: n
(120:33 / All) TheIrateTurk: game's just getting started
(120:34 / All) timg4strok: take mountain i leave
(120:36 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: good
(120:39 / All) timg4strok: mountain is best part
(120:40 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i will
(120:50 / Allies) timg4strok: think i can kill dk
(120:51 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: sure it is
(120:55 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: go for it
(121:59 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: not leaving ?
(122:05 / All) timg4strok: do you understand english
(122:14 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i said i´m very patient =D
(122:17 / All) timg4strok: because really at this point im not sure if you're just throwing words together or not
(122:20 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: do u understand?
(122:32 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: shockwave should never hit buildlings
(122:33 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: gay shit
(123:20 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: eat tree
(123:22 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: heal up the ancient
(123:34 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: he's lost lots of bats
(123:42 / Allies) timg4strok: tjhis nigga dead
(123:50 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: you lose any hyps?
(123:52 / Allies) timg4strok: n
(123:58 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: lick
(124:07 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: try to go for orange
(124:35 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i´m gonna win =)
(124:38 / All) timg4strok: XD
(124:41 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: nothing u can do about it
(125:00 / Allies) timg4strok: shit think i can get warden out
(125:07 / Allies) timg4strok: my item
(125:08 / Allies) timg4strok: fuck
(125:24 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: Stupid gay ass fuck
(125:25 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: doc
(125:50 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: move your tol
(125:52 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: to like orange
(125:53 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: or something
(125:55 / Allies) timg4strok: hes going
(126:03 / Allies) timg4strok: i fucking dropped my periapt on altar
(126:05 / Allies) timg4strok: thought it was shop
(126:09 / Allies) timg4strok: then tc pick it up- lmao
(126:16 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: oh dunderhead
(126:56 / Allies) timg4strok: freezing breath gay as hell
(127:15 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: dont be in the line
(127:16 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: with your tol
(127:20 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: for when his dk and lich go back
(127:24 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: they will find youi
(127:33 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: u waiting the mountain?
(127:34 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: ^^
(128:03 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: he has one bat
(129:41 / Allies) timg4strok: nice
(129:42 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: nice#
(129:44 / All) timg4strok: 1 wyrm down ?
(129:47 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: yes
(130:23 / Allies) timg4strok: got one wyrm on ebat
(130:26 / Allies) timg4strok: things are looking good
(130:31 / Allies) timg4strok: unless he sells all item and unsummons
(130:35 / Allies) timg4strok: we pretty much won
(130:46 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: he will probably do that
(130:54 / Allies) timg4strok: we can still win
(130:58 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: dont go into oragne
(131:03 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: thats gay
(131:05 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: dont let him have sight of you
(131:08 / All) timg4strok: so r u
(131:08 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i´m gonna eat now gl hf ^^
(131:10 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: plant it down and bleow
(131:19 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: there ish
(131:23 / Allies) timg4strok: you take it
(132:05 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: =)
(132:30 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i guess i´m a way more patient =)
(133:24 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: can you kill that
(133:34 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: nvermind
(133:54 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: Now what ? =)
(134:02 / All) TheIrateTurk: DO YOU LIKE GAMES
(134:08 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: yah
(134:15 / All) TheIrateTurk: HOW ABOUT FIGHT AT THE FOUNTAIN
(134:37 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: I´m not worried about that
(136:42 / All) TheIrateTurk: what are you waiting for
(138:19 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: wonder what he's doing
(139:05 / Allies) timg4strok: idk
(139:22 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: he's probably summoning
(139:27 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: unsummoning
(139:42 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: but what units can he make
(139:46 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: is he the ud?
(141:41 / Allies) timg4strok: yeah hes the ud
(141:45 / Allies) timg4strok: unless he has no aco
(141:48 / Allies) timg4strok: but he can sell items
(141:50 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: sell
(141:51 / Allies) timg4strok: he cant make much
(141:52 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: to
(141:57 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: make an acol
(142:00 / Allies) timg4strok: hed have to make an aco
(142:02 / Allies) timg4strok: make boneyard
(142:02 / Allies) timg4strok: etc
(142:09 / Allies) timg4strok: by then maybe only 3~ wyrms
(142:23 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: + he mostly has zigs
(142:28 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: he could make gargs
(142:32 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: without doing any of that
(143:42 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: hmm
(143:56 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: we have no way of killing him
(144:00 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: back
(144:06 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: he has too many heros etc
(144:15 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: he can fail to kill us
(144:38 / Allies) timg4strok: out only way to win
(144:41 / Allies) timg4strok: is if he attacks us
(144:44 / Allies) timg4strok: other than that
(144:48 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: if he attacks us
(144:51 / Allies) timg4strok: i have a feeling hes massing bats
(144:56 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: he cant
(144:59 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: hec ant transfer money
(145:02 / Allies) timg4strok: yes he can
(145:02 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: can he
(145:07 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: to a dropped player?
(145:08 / Allies) timg4strok: no burrows
(145:09 / Allies) timg4strok: es
(145:10 / Allies) timg4strok: yes
(145:15 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: then use that money?
(145:19 / Allies) timg4strok: yes
(146:02 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: what im saying is
(146:05 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: even if he comes in
(146:09 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: and loses all air units
(146:20 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: we cant finish him
(146:44 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: if you're going to go afk let mek now btw
(147:25 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: what was that
(147:30 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: a otwer fired
(148:11 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: arent they better off not mounted
(148:15 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: more dmg?
(148:26 / Allies) timg4strok: no range
(148:31 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: o ok
(149:58 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: gay statue
(150:01 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: and wd
(150:17 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: well
(150:19 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: u cant win
(150:21 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i cant win
(150:23 / All) timg4strok: neither can you
(150:27 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: who has more patient will win
(150:29 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: afk
(150:30 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: cya
(150:35 / All) timg4strok: me2
(150:41 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: start taking out bases now
(150:45 / Allies) timg4strok: hs not afk
(150:48 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: he isnt afk
(150:51 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: that's the afk gambit
(150:54 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: dunderhead
(150:58 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: wait 5
(151:02 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: then see
(151:08 / Allies) timg4strok: face if you were a general of a real army you just lost all your soldiers and let canada get blown up
(151:14 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: lol
(151:27 / All) timg4strok: thought you afk
(151:27 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: rofl
(151:29 / All) TheIrateTurk: IT APPEARS YOU ARE AFK
(151:34 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: not on the mod
(151:35 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: yet
(151:36 / All) timg4strok: guess guy isnt patient
(151:39 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: soon i will
(151:42 / All) TheIrateTurk: mod?
(151:44 / All) TheIrateTurk: body mods?
(151:46 / All) TheIrateTurk: transsexual?
(151:48 / All) TheIrateTurk: :(
(154:44 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: this is cool
(154:45 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: =)
(154:50 / All) TheIrateTurk: cool beans
(154:53 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: 1 tower down
(155:00 / All) TheIrateTurk: 2 wyrms down
(155:01 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: some plenty left
(155:12 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: ur base heroes and towers down
(155:17 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: for 2 wyrns
(155:19 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: and few bats
(155:20 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: rofl
(155:22 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: u rock
(155:22 / All) timg4strok: worth it
(155:25 / All) timg4strok: you cant win
(155:28 / All) TheIrateTurk: all part of win
(155:41 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: u cant either
(155:52 / All) timg4strok: yeah but i get satisfaction out of wasting your time
(155:56 / All) timg4strok: so even if i lose its a win ?
(156:03 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: not really
(156:08 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i got all day
(156:12 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: and i´m very patient
(156:12 / All) timg4strok: thats nice
(156:13 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: =)
(156:15 / All) timg4strok: all day wasted
(156:19 / All) TheIrateTurk: patient person wont say
(156:21 / All) TheIrateTurk: he's patient
(156:24 / All) TheIrateTurk: he will just be patient
(156:28 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i´m wasting time of 3
(156:29 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: =)
(156:30 / All) timg4strok: would you really spend 8 hours for one win in a video game
(156:40 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i guess so
(156:44 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i win no matter what
(156:45 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: =)
(156:47 / All) timg4strok: guess you some kind of nerd then
(156:53 / All) TheIrateTurk: what you dont know is we sit playing next to eachother
(156:55 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: Extremist
(156:59 / All) TheIrateTurk: we're in same dorms
(157:02 / All) TheIrateTurk: we playing cards now
(157:06 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: cool
(157:09 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i´m watching tv
(157:11 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i had lunch
(157:15 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: =)
(157:18 / All) timg4strok: pros dont take time out
(157:23 / All) timg4strok: fopr tv
(157:29 / All) timg4strok: or food
(158:24 / Allies) timg4strok: if we had dhawk turk
(158:26 / Allies) timg4strok: we would have won
(158:28 / Allies) timg4strok: just letting you know
(158:31 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: :(
(158:41 / Allies) timg4strok: motherfucker
(159:27 / Allies) timg4strok: they still got all their items
(159:28 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: that statue
(159:30 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: is so gay
(159:30 / Allies) timg4strok: hes a retard
(159:31 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: yes
(159:37 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: what does that make us :(
(159:44 / Allies) timg4strok: shu tup!
(159:51 / Allies) timg4strok: we didnt lose yrt
(159:54 / Allies) timg4strok: yet
(160:04 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: you can definately start picking off buildings starting at orange
(160:17 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: what you lose
(160:18 / Allies) timg4strok: why pick opff buildings
(160:19 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: 1
(160:20 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: didnt see that = (
(160:21 / Allies) timg4strok: when i pick off wyrms
(160:21 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: what he lose
(160:25 / Allies) timg4strok: wyrm hippo
(160:35 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: u lsot 1
(160:42 / All) timg4strok: i have more than you
(160:42 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: lost 1 at least
(160:43 / All) timg4strok: you lost 2
(160:54 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i have ground
(160:57 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: well
(161:01 / All) timg4strok: ground cant get up here
(161:02 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: this is pointless
(161:06 / All) timg4strok: leave?
(161:07 / All) timg4strok: gg?
(161:26 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: not really
(161:28 / All) timg4strok: there is 0% chance for you to lose
(161:34 / All) timg4strok: to win ??
(161:36 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: yah
(161:40 / All) timg4strok: sorry im busy getting head
(161:47 / All) TheIrateTurk: yeah our gfs
(161:48 / All) TheIrateTurk: all here
(161:50 / All) TheIrateTurk: pleasuring us
(161:50 / All) timg4strok: if you ever touched a girl you'd know what im talking about
(161:52 / All) TheIrateTurk: while we play cards
(162:08 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: u call others nerds
(162:09 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: i think
(162:11 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: and u play cards
(162:13 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: to wait a victory
(162:14 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: ahuahuahuauhahu
(162:16 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: let me use a
(162:19 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: u guys are pathetico
(162:31 / All) timg4strok: 2 wyrm
(162:36 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: let me use a hyp
(162:40 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: to pick off orange
(162:42 / All) timg4strok: chances of us winning skyrocketing
(162:43 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: i wont lose her
(162:45 / Allies) timg4strok: ok
(162:47 / Allies) timg4strok: take one
(163:07 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: yah tell me why
(163:21 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: u can win either
(163:30 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i´m not trying any more
(163:33 / All) timg4strok: we can still go and kill you
(163:38 / All) timg4strok: its impossible for you to kill us
(163:43 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: yah show me how
(163:54 / Allies) timg4strok: get back
(163:58 / Allies) timg4strok: he can kill it with air
(164:07 / Allies) timg4strok: come to me
(164:13 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: what
(164:16 / Allies) timg4strok: he can send all his air there and kill yoyu
(164:31 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: i know
(164:32 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: im picking shit off
(164:39 / Allies) timg4strok: be careful
(164:43 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: i am
(165:05 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: his air isnt htere
(165:08 / Allies) timg4strok: are you on vent
(165:10 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: it's there is
(165:11 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: no
(165:20 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: ill get on
(165:20 / Allies) timg4strok: can you get on vent and tell me if something happens gonna tab for a few
(169:20 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: e vo rir mto
(169:25 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: ops
(169:26 / All) timg4strok: o
(169:31 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: it was supposed to be a wisper
(170:26 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i got an ideia
(170:29 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i hope u like it ^^
(170:36 / All) TheIrateTurk: we had your idea about 5 horus ago
(170:47 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i got another one ^^
(170:49 / All) timg4strok: why do you think we've been picking off your base instead of the others
(174:15 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: oh well
(174:40 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: hey i got you half to lvl 6
(174:43 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: his wd
(175:26 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: shit he has d&d
(176:09 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: he has 2 staves of teleport
(176:13 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: u liking?
(176:16 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: oh yeah i see
(176:20 / All) timg4strok: please come up top
(176:37 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: lvl 5
(178:21 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: k
(178:44 / All) timg4strok: what are you waiting for
(178:48 / All) TheIrateTurk: come up here
(178:49 / All) TheIrateTurk: it's fun
(178:50 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: strategy
(179:23 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: <3
(179:28 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: tell face to come here
(179:29 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: lol
(179:31 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: he gotta see this
(179:32 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: ?
(179:34 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: i am
(179:35 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: oh you're not afk
(179:37 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: fuck i didnt see
(179:39 / Allies) timg4strok: are yopu on vent
(179:43 / Allies) timg4strok: this is the funniest god damn thing
(179:44 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: well, i just got back
(179:44 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: i am
(179:46 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: yeah
(179:52 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: on vent now
(180:04 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: she's invis
(180:11 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: it's just turned night
(180:16 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: soon as it's 6am
(180:30 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: try to get kill with hyps
(180:33 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: for exp
(180:46 / Allies) timg4strok: listen
(180:50 / Allies) timg4strok: ill take any kill i can get
(180:54 / Allies) timg4strok: you know?
(180:55 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: enough
(181:02 / Allies) timg4strok: not gonna risk game for 100 exp
(181:11 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: dont lecture me you fag
(181:13 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: im a wc pro
(181:42 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: his cryptlord
(182:52 / All) TheIrateTurk: lol?
(182:53 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: rofl
(182:54 / All) timg4strok: gg
(182:59 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: just los a hero
(183:11 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: pick off the warden?
(184:33 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: lol
(184:39 / All) TheIrateTurk: lol?
(184:42 / All) timg4strok: leave please
(184:45 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: you know the funny thing is
(184:45 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: strategy, yay
(184:48 / All) timg4strok: also what happened to going afk
(184:55 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: if he lost all his air units
(185:01 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: we couldnt have taken him on hte ground
(185:22 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: ye
(185:25 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: s
(185:53 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: hahha
(186:39 / All) timg4strok: 1 hippo for 3 heroes ok
(186:43 / All) timg4strok: sounds good to me
(187:00 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: lol
(187:03 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: tim for pres
(187:03 / All) timg4strok: oh level 7 thanks
(187:05 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: go from bottom to kill lich
(187:11 / All) TheIrateTurk: this is why brasil is the worst country in the world!
(187:16 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: yah
(188:31 / All) timg4strok: gg pls
(188:31 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: heal
(188:42 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: didn't lose any?
(188:48 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: good
(188:49 / All) TheIrateTurk: hey you know when you said you had a strategy
(188:53 / All) TheIrateTurk: and i said id thought of it
(188:56 / All) timg4strok: was that strategy to lose lmao
(189:06 / All) TheIrateTurk: i didnt know you meant go up the mountain and lose each hero one by one
(189:08 / All) timg4strok: i thought you were going to unsummon and make wyrms or chims which would have been a problem
(189:16 / All) timg4strok: but i guess brazillians are too retarded?
(190:15 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: no other hero has tele staff now?
(190:17 / All) timg4strok: really for a while i was worried i was going to lose this
(190:17 / All) TheIrateTurk: the whole country of brasil
(190:21 / All) TheIrateTurk: is shamed by your poor performance
(190:25 / All) TheIrateTurk: and lack of honour in general
(190:30 / All) timg4strok: i mean i was just talking shit because i had no chance
(190:41 / All) timg4strok: thanks for the win?
(190:51 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: are u done?
(190:53 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: bilz needs to introduce x16 speed replay for this game
(190:57 / All) TheIrateTurk: no but u r
(191:04 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i´m laughting
(191:08 / All) timg4strok: so am i
(191:12 / All) timg4strok: you really have no chance now
(191:13 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i´m laughing over here that was funny
(191:25 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: besides u cant win i shouldnt have done that was stupid
(191:32 / All) timg4strok: lmao i cant win
(191:36 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: yah come get me on ground
(191:38 / All) timg4strok: have you ever fought metahunter?
(191:47 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: if u can bring him down
(191:50 / All) timg4strok: done
(191:53 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: and finish me
(192:01 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i´m at elfs base
(192:31 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i´m waiting
(192:38 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: now i have shit
(193:01 / All) timg4strok: you call that a army?
(193:19 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: urs strategy is very funny
(193:48 / All) TheIrateTurk: not as funny as urs
(193:55 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: thx
(194:03 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: come to elf base
(194:10 / All) timg4strok: let me finish this one noob
(194:12 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: what i did was very stupid xD
(194:21 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: yah i´m the noob
(194:31 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: look ur strategy u got owned at ground i didnt win cuz i didnt havegold
(194:37 / All) timg4strok: lmao
(194:41 / All) timg4strok: you have 0% chance to win
(194:42 / All) TheIrateTurk: game is about more than just army
(194:43 / All) timg4strok: you have one wyrm
(194:44 / All) TheIrateTurk: economy
(194:45 / All) timg4strok: that is it
(194:52 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i will see how many times u killed my heroes and how many times u killed my hero rofl
(195:02 / All) timg4strok: only thing that matters is win
(195:04 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: ops
(195:06 / All) TheIrateTurk: good thing they dont measure the game by that stat brr)_lapso
(195:08 / All) timg4strok: everything else is secondary
(195:18 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i will see how many times u killed my heroes and how many times i killed urs
(195:44 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: 21/21 teal rofl
(195:46 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: what a noob
(195:48 / All) timg4strok: rt is for noobs
(196:00 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: this is just a loss
(196:05 / All) timg4strok: so leave
(196:05 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: experience game
(196:16 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: 47/35 red rofl
(196:24 / All) timg4strok: guy loses starts talking shit about rt record
(196:25 / All) timg4strok: man
(196:27 / All) timg4strok: you a pro
(196:30 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: 19/14 amd 18/13 rofl
(196:38 / All) timg4strok: hey guess what you lost to that
(196:41 / All) timg4strok: embarassing isnt it
(196:46 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i didnt
(196:48 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: come show me
(196:58 / All) timg4strok: i take my time with noobs
(197:06 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: how is 21/14 much better than my record?
(197:16 / All) TheIrateTurk: how is 21/14 that much more superior to my solo record?
(197:17 / Allies) timg4strok: hes just trying to troll us
(197:31 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: 21/14 way better
(197:34 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: iwouldnt fight that
(198:02 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: what are u afraid of
(198:10 / All) TheIrateTurk: we win the game properly
(198:12 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: u just did a good strategy
(198:18 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: in this map
(198:18 / All) timg4strok: not really
(198:19 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: thats all
(198:22 / All) timg4strok: towers terrible strat
(198:24 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: dont get 2 cock for that
(198:25 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: =)
(198:27 / All) timg4strok: any noob with common sense can win
(198:42 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: that fortress at fountain was good
(200:22 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: let me use one
(200:30 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: nigger ;(
(200:32 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: oi
(200:33 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: share
(200:37 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: share anyway
(200:50 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: that one served a great purpose
(201:02 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: towering = noob
(201:09 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: at least i dont need to tower to win
(201:10 / All) TheIrateTurk: losing to towering = noob
(201:20 / All) TheIrateTurk: it's like a bad dream isnt it
(201:26 / All) TheIrateTurk: it just gets worse and worse
(201:27 / All) TheIrateTurk: doesnt it
(201:37 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: nah
(201:40 / All) TheIrateTurk: why didnt you make chims
(201:42 / All) TheIrateTurk: or bats
(201:46 / All) TheIrateTurk: are you silly
(202:05 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: wd
(202:15 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: shit
(202:22 / All) timg4strok: bad manner bad micro
(202:23 / All) TheIrateTurk: wtf
(202:28 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: i just noticed
(202:31 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: the death sound he makes
(202:33 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: sounds like the dh dying
(202:35 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i kicked ur guy ass
(202:37 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: alone
(202:39 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: bliz cutting corners with the sound team
(202:41 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: dont talk about micro
(202:46 / All) timg4strok: lmao
(202:48 / All) TheIrateTurk: if you had micro
(202:49 / All) timg4strok: if you so good why you lose
(202:50 / All) TheIrateTurk: you'd win game
(202:56 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: all u did was run to the fortress i had a bad ideia
(202:57 / All) TheIrateTurk: we made a gimmick game just for fun
(203:01 / All) TheIrateTurk: just to see what would happen
(203:05 / All) TheIrateTurk: not even thinking for 2 minutes
(203:09 / All) TheIrateTurk: game would last over 10 min
(203:15 / All) TheIrateTurk: just to try it out
(203:30 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: suirrouned
(203:34 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: tp oti
(203:41 / All) timg4strok: hi
(203:49 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i got 50 k lumber rofl
(203:59 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: gimme all your lumber
(204:01 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: everyone
(204:03 / Allies) timg4strok: did
(204:06 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: bah
(204:13 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: only got 47,926
(204:14 / Allies) timg4strok: well
(204:19 / Allies) timg4strok: waiting for meta/staff to cooldown
(204:20 / Allies) timg4strok: afk a few
(204:23 / Allies) timg4strok: please dont die face
(204:32 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: keeping them at fountain
(204:32 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: nice confidence in me
(204:36 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: im the best wc player
(204:39 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: out of us
(204:41 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: jews :(
(206:02 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: lol
(207:48 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: this isnt 30 mins
(207:49 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: this is like
(207:51 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: 5 minutes
(207:54 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: and finished
(209:52 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: slow fiend omg
(210:10 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i´m dont want to micro any more
(210:15 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: even if i kill u
(210:18 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: cant win
(210:19 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: rofl
(210:21 / All) timg4strok: so leave
(210:26 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: u leave
(210:30 / All) timg4strok: why
(210:32 / All) timg4strok: i can still win
(210:42 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: if i dont micro
(210:46 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: which i´m not doing
(210:49 / All) TheIrateTurk: if you micro
(210:49 / All) timg4strok: you however cannot win
(210:50 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: xD
(210:52 / All) TheIrateTurk: if you dont micro
(210:54 / All) TheIrateTurk: if a hurricane comes
(210:58 / All) TheIrateTurk: and kills his whole family
(210:59 / All) TheIrateTurk: you cant win
(211:07 / All) TheIrateTurk: we have won
(211:08 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: lool if that happens i can
(211:12 / All) TheIrateTurk: not really
(211:45 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: YEH
(211:48 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: oops
(211:52 / All) TheIrateTurk: YEH
(213:01 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: lets fight
(213:03 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: until death
(213:09 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: hero and everything
(213:10 / All) timg4strok: ok come to mountain
(213:11 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: there wont be any creeps
(213:11 / All) timg4strok: oh wait
(213:14 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: if i lose i leave
(213:15 / Allies) timg4strok: checking for item
(213:18 / All) timg4strok: you already lost
(213:21 / All) timg4strok: i guaranteed win
(213:28 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: listen to this ok
(213:30 / All) timg4strok: why would i risk making this last until you decide to leave
(213:39 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: lets fight in front ne base
(213:42 / All) timg4strok: if i lose all my hippo i have to wait for you to attack with your one wyrm
(213:44 / All) timg4strok: then it dies
(213:46 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: if i lose i leave
(213:48 / All) timg4strok: and i wait for you to leave
(213:56 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i give u my word
(213:57 / All) timg4strok: sorry noob i kill you old fashioned way
(214:02 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: a frost cant take all those towers
(214:14 / All) timg4strok: i know
(214:19 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: icant win
(214:23 / All) timg4strok: i know
(214:24 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: even if i win the battle
(214:26 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: thats my point
(214:30 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i want a cool bae
(214:44 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: who would win in a fight
(214:46 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: solo dh
(214:47 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: or
(214:50 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: wyrm
(214:53 / Allies) timg4strok: dh
(214:58 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: after that i leave
(214:59 / All) TheIrateTurk: we're going to deny you even that
(215:09 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: ok
(215:13 / All) TheIrateTurk: you will leave with a total taste of frustration in your mouth
(215:21 / All) TheIrateTurk: along with the taste of our dicks
(215:29 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: what a shield rofl
(215:54 / All) timg4strok: isnt this frustrating
(215:59 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: no
(216:02 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: is it?
(216:04 / All) timg4strok: slowly losing to noobs who tower
(216:05 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: i think you could kill him
(216:11 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: no
(216:11 / Allies) timg4strok: dont want to risk it
(216:27 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: lumber
(216:31 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i lost when i did the stupid warden i didnt lose for u
(216:35 / All) timg4strok: lmao
(216:37 / All) timg4strok: ok noob
(216:40 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i lost for my self =O
(216:42 / All) timg4strok: keep talking you're terrible
(216:44 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: u will never understand
(217:07 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: yah and my stats and aka own urs 1 gay strategy that i didnt handle won´t do any diference
(217:16 / All) timg4strok: lmao ok noob
(217:17 / All) TheIrateTurk: your stats suck dicks
(217:21 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: the onlt diference is that i´m winning some kind of experience against this newbie stuff
(217:22 / All) timg4strok: who are the excuses really for
(217:30 / All) timg4strok: your shattered ego or are you trying to make us feel bad
(217:48 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: what ever u feel is ur option
(217:52 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i´m not trying anything
(218:05 / All) TheIrateTurk: are you sure? `
(218:12 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: i`m not interested in your opinion
(218:14 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: yah
(218:15 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: bah
(218:23 / All) TheIrateTurk: you`re gay
(218:26 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i just want a battle
(218:30 / All) NOMORELEFT: til`de
(218:33 / All) timg4strok: ~
(218:40 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: hello red with annoying bm ^^
(219:09 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: finish the job james
(219:20 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: dont be a nigger
(219:26 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: you wont die
(220:08 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: go right with the hyps
(220:10 / Allies) TheIrateTurk: to head him off
(220:34 / All) timg4strok: gg?
(220:43 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: just a wyrn
(220:50 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i´m not trying
(221:22 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i just wanted a cool battle
(221:26 / All) TheIrateTurk: and you didnt get it
(221:27 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: this suxs
(221:35 / All) TheIrateTurk: our aim is to make you as frustrated
(221:37 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: so i aint leaving
(221:37 / All) TheIrateTurk: and angry
(221:40 / All) TheIrateTurk: as possible
(221:44 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: sorry i want
(221:45 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: out
(221:46 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i wont
(221:47 / All) TheIrateTurk: we want you to get so frustrated that you dont leave
(221:58 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: ok
(222:22 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i could have done a nice strategy to kill hipos if i wanted
(222:26 / All) timg4strok: if i wanted
(222:28 / All) timg4strok: ok noob
(222:28 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: but u guys are so newbie that didnt even notice it
(222:36 / All) timg4strok: ok noob
(222:38 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: i cant win no point
(223:01 / All) BRRJ_Lapso.: gg